Scientific Programme

1000 - 1730 Registration and Materials Pick-Up
1000 - 1800 *IDF-WPR Council Meeting
1200 - 1600 Pre-congress Workshop:
How to Run an Effective CGMS and Insulin Pump Program.
Sponsored by Medtronic

Why Insulin Pump Therapy?
- Overview of Pump Therapy – Evidence in T1 and T2
- Case studies
- Question & Answer Session
- Practicum Session
(Duration: 50 Mins)
Pratik Choudhary

How is Pump Therapy Used in Your Centre?
- Practicum Session
- Best Practice Sharing
- Practicum Session
(Duration: 50 Mins)
Pratik Choudhary

The Value of Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM) - iPro2
- Intro to iPro2
- Benefits of iPro2
- Essentials of Running an iPro2 Clinic
- Reports Interpretation – Adjustments to Current Therapy / Rationale for Insulin Pump Therapy
- Question & Answer Session
- Practicum Session
(Duration: 50 Mins)
Pratik Choudhary

Best Practices Sharing
Running iPro2 and Insulin Pump Programs at Tertiary Level
- iPro2 Experience Sharing from Malaysia UMMC
(Duration: 20 Mins)
Alex Tan

- Insulin Pump Experience Sharing from Singapore Khoo Teck Puat Hospital (KTPH)
(Duration: 20 Mins)
Angela Koh

- Experience Sharing from United Kingdom
(Duration: 20 Mins)
Pratik Choudhary

Question & Answer Session
Pre-congress Workshop:
Essentials of Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery
Sponsored by Ethicon

Opening Remarks:
Asim Shabbir

Video Session:
- A brief introduction to current metabolic procedures

Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy
Shah Shashank

Laparoscopic Roux en Y gastric bypass
Asim Shabbir

Laparoscopic gastric band
Suthep Udomsawaengsup

- Beyond BMI: Patient selection for bariatric and metabolic surgery
Khoo Chin Meng

- IDF Guidelines for treating diabetes: Appropriate utilization of metabolic surgery – implications of surgery.
David Cummings

- Common complications of Bariatric surgery
Suthep Udomsawaengsup

Question & Answer Session
Mechanistic insights into obesity & type 2 diabetes from bariatric to metabolic surgery
David Cummings

Other metabolic procedures: a futuristic insight
Lee Wei-Jei

Durability of metabolic surgery in morbidly obese diabetic – clinical updates
Tham Kwang Wei

Metabolic surgery in low BMI Type II diabetic patients: what is the evidence?
Shah Shashank
1330 - 1730 **Pre-congress Symposium:
Clinical Diabetes Education: How Effective Are We?
Organised by Association of Diabetes Educators Singapore (ADES)

Guest Of Honour:
Dr Pauline Tan
Chief Nursing Officer
Ministry of Health, Singapore

a. Strategies for change in people with diabetes
Julie Seow

b. The effectiveness of diabetes education: From research to reality
Jo Jo Kwan

c. Managing older people with diabetes
Trisha Dunning

d. Clinical diabetes education in Taiwan
Yeh Mei Chang

e. Living well with diabetes
Heng Pei Yan

f. Nocturnal hypoglycaemia in diabetes
Winnie Chui
1600 - 2000 Pre-congress Workshop:
The Continuum of Insulin Therapy in Type 2 Diabetes
Sponsored by Novo Nordisk

- Interactive case studies
Chantal Mathieu

- Coffee break

- Insuline in combination with other anti-diabetes agents in advanced type 2 diabetes.
Chantal Mathieu

- Dinner
Pre-congress Workshop:
Nutrition in Diabetes
Sponsored by Abbott and Singapore General Hospital (SGH)

Introduction: Optimizing diabetes management (role of nutrition)
Daphne Gardner

Nutritional management of T2D
Kala Adaikan

Advanced Carbohydrate counting
Kala Adaikan

Food label reading
Switch over with:
Identifying nutrients in food and carbohydrate counting
Answers review

Tea break

Principles of DAFNE management
1. DAFNE overview
Goh Su-Yen

2. DAFNE eating principles
Kala Adaikan

3. Concept of insulin titration
Daphne Gardner

4. Sick day rules
Lim Huee Boon

5. Physical activity
Kala Adaikan

6. Referral Criteria and Wrap up
Daphne Gardner
0815 - 0930 Opening Ceremony
President's address
Guest of Honour's address
0930 - 1015 Presidential Plenary Lecture 1 (IDF-WPR)
"An Asian diabetes phenotype, or a phenotype in transition?"
Juliana Chan
1015 - 1030 Coffee Break and Industry Exhibition
1030 - 1230 Clinical Diabetes and Therapeutics 1
Clinical Diabetes and Therapeutics 2
Behavioural Medicine, Clinical Nutrition, Education & Exercise
Basic Science, Aetiology and Mechanism of Disease
Poster Presentations
  Symposium 1:
Clinical therapeutics/Treatment algorithms
Symposium 2:
Type 1 Diabetes
Symposium 3:
Nutritional Strategies in Glycemic and Weight Management
Symposium 4:
Systems Biology of Diabetes Mellitus
Posters will be classified by topic and displayed throughout entire duration of congress
Authors are encouraged to be at their posters at poster breaks and lunch breaks
  a. Diabetes therapeutics: a perspective on trials
Hertzel Gerstein
a. Autoimmunity and anti-inflammatory therapy in Type 1 diabetes
Bernhard Otto Boehm
a. The role of low GI foods in glycemic control
Jeyakumar Henry
a. The epigenome and its role in diabetes
Takashi Kadowaki
  b. On the horizon-a critical look at SGLT-2 inhibitors
Gregory Fulcher
b. Exercise management in diabetes
Paul Fournier
b. Nutrition and diabetes- roles of nutrient and other biomarkers in disease prediction
Xu Lin
b. Ethnic differences in genome-wide association studies
Tai E Shyong
  c. New basal insulins – the longer the better?
Chantal Mathieu
c. Is islet transplantation still a cure for Type 1 diabetes?
Per-Olof Berggren
c. Protective strategies in nutrition for the management of diabesity
Widjaja Lukito
c. Metabolomics in diabetes mellitus
Jean-Paul Kovalik
  d. Inpatient glycemic management – what endocrinologists and hospital administrators need to know?
Francisco Pasquel
d. Are we ready to "close the loop"?
Pratik Choudhary
d. Optimal nutrition for weight management
John Dixon
d. Phosphoproteomic analysis of insulin resistance
David James
1230 - 1400 Pharma Lunch Symposium 1:
Sponsored by BI-Lilly Alliance
The evolving paradigm in T2D treatment – Targeting the pathogenesis of T2D early with contemporary and complementary therapeutic strategies

Lee Chung Horn

Welcome & Opening Remarks:
Lee Chung Horn

Topic 1 - Uncontrolled HbA1c with metformin: Pathophysiological considerations in choosing second-line treatment
Lawrence Leiter

Topic 2 - Understanding the value of glycosuria through SGLT2 inhibition
Ted Wu

Closing Remarks and Summary:
Lee Chung Horn
Pharma Lunch Symposium 2:
Sponsored by Janssen
Where do SGLT2 inhibitors fit in type 2 diabetes care?

"SGLT2 inhibitors in type 2 diabetes treatment"
Gregory Fulcher

"Managing type 2 diabetes in the Asian population"
Juliana Chan

"Case study and discussion"
Gregory Fulcher
Juliana Chan
Sum Chee Fang

Pharma Lunch Symposium 3:
Sponsored by Novo Nordisk
"From bench to bedside: the journey to advance insulin therapy";
Chantal Mathieu

"Therapies in the continuum of DM care: rationale and evidence".
Ronald Goldenberg
Pharma Lunch Symposium 4:
Sponsored by Servier
Optimising glycaemic control to protect renal and cardiovascular - Findings from ADVANCE-ON.

"Diabetes and vascular outcomes: Learning from the morbi-mortality trials"
Chan Siew Pheng

"Lessons from ADVANCE-ON"
Sophia Zoungas

Questions & Answers
1415 - 1530 Oral Presentations:
Behavioural Interventions and Management Tools
Oral Presentations:
Therapeutics – Oral and Novel Agents
Oral Presentations:
Diabetes in Different Communities
Oral Presentations:
Nephropathy – Basic & Experimental Science
1530 - 1615 Coffee Break, Industry Exhibitions and Presidential Posters 1530 - 1630 Presidential Posters
Selected 'presidential' posters will be presented over one hour to a gathered audience
Moderated by an appointed chairman
1615 - 1715 Evening Symposium 1:
Diabetes and Pregnancy
Evening Symposium 2:
Debate: Using HbA1c to Diagnose Diabetes is Neither Helpful, Nor is it Accurate
Evening Symposium 3:
Coping with the Epidemic Of Diabetes: the Role of Public Policy
Evening Symposium 4:
Emerging Data on Adipose Tissue in Diabetes and Obesity
  a. HAPO study: what’s new?
Jeremy Oats
a. Proposition
Jaime Davidson
a. Epidemic obesity and the rise of Type 2 diabetes in Asia
Yoon Kun-Ho
a. Adipose tissue inflammation and B regulatory cell dysfunction
Takashi Kadowaki
  b. Should we adopt the IADPSG criteria for gestational diabetes?
Hung Yuan Li
b. Opposition
Jonathan Shaw
b. Tackling diabetes in Asia: a multi-sectorial approach
Chia Kee Seng
b. Genetic determinants of Type 2 diabetes and its complication in Chinese and East Asian populations
Hu Cheng
    c. Moderator
Lee Chung Horn
0800 - 0845 IDF Regional Award Ceremony
Citation by Chair, IDF-WPR Prof Nam Han Cho
Presentation of Award to Prof Yutaka Seino and Acceptance Speech
0845 - 0930 Presidential Plenary Lecture 2 (AASD)
A Journey to Elucidate the Insulin Signalling Network for Understanding Diabetes
Masato Kasuga
0930 - 0945 Coffee Break and Industry Exhibition
0945 - 1215 Clinical Diabetes and Therapeutics 1
Clinical Diabetes and Therapeutics 2
Behavioural Medicine, Clinical Nutrition, Education & Exercise
Basic Science, Aetiology and Mechanism of Disease
Poster Presentations
  Symposium 5:
Your Patient has Diabetic Complications - Now What?
Symposium 6:
Diabetes in Children/Adolescents
Symposium 7:
Lifestyle Interventions in Diabetes Prevention
Symposium 8:
Adiponectin Biology
Posters will be classified by topic and displayed throughout entire duration of congress
Authors are encouraged to be at their posters at poster breaks and lunch breaks
  a. Novel pharmacotherapies in diabetic retinopathy
Wong Tien Yin
a. Key points in 2013 American Academy of Pediatrics CPG on management of Type 2 diabetes mellitus in children and adolescents
Kenneth Copeland
a. A new equation to estimate basal energy expenditure of patients with diabetes
Nobuya Inagaki
a. Adiponectin in the regulation of metabolism
William Wong
  b. The usefulness of glucose and lipid control in nephropathy and retinopathy
Jonathan Shaw
b. Early life influences and diabetes
Wayne Cutfield
b. Sedentary Behaviour and Physical Activity in Prevention of Diabetes
Mueller-Riemenschneider Falk
b. Adiponectin, FGF21 and metabolic homeostasis
Aimin Xu
  c. Improving outcome of diabetic dialysis patients: a burden shared by the endocrinologist and nephrologist
Titus Lau Wai Leong
c. Gestational diabetes and the NCD epidemic
Ronald Ma
c. Nutrition in diabetes prevention
Rob van Dam
c. Adiponectin signal transduction
Feng Liu
  d. New therapies for diabetic neuropathy
Umapathi Thirugnanam
d. Type 1 diabetes mellitus in preschool children
Ragnar Hanas
d. Implementation of population-wide preventive strategies for diabetes
Shyamala Thilagaratnam
d. Adiponectin in tissue defenses
Iichiro Shimomura
  e. Screening for diabetic retinopathy
Ecosse Lamoureux
e. Monogenic diabetes – undiagnosed and untreated
Daphne Gardner
e. Diabetes prevention in India
Ambady Ramachandran
1230 - 1400 Pharma Lunch Symposium 1:
Sponsored by Astra-Zeneca

Opening Remarks:
Ji Linong

"Diabetes in Asia: How are We Different"
Augusto G. Litonjua

"Incretin modifying medications: What do We Know?"
Jaime Davidson

"New Medications on the Horizon: SGLT2 Inhibitors"
Naoto Nakamura

Q&A Session and Closing
Pharma Lunch Symposium 2:
Sponsored by Roche
Mobile Connectivity and Diabetes eHealth
David Kerr
Pharma Lunch Symposium 3:
Sponsored by MSD
“DPP-4 Inhibitors: Have We Optimized Their Role in the Treatment of Patients With Type 2 Diabetes?”

Welcome by Chair:
Chee Eng Tan

Have we Optimized the Role of DPP-4 Inhibitors in the Treatment of Type 2 Diabetes?
Yoon Kun Ho


CVOT and Implications for the Future of Treatment of Type 2 Diabetes
Timothy Davis


Faculty Panel Discussion

Closing Comments: Chee Eng Tan
Pharma Lunch Symposium 4
Sponsored by Eli-Lilly
Advancement in GLP-1 Receptor Agonists therapy for Improved T2DM Patient Care

Welcome & Introduction:
Tai E-Shyong

Diabetes and unmet needs: Current treatment options on GLP-1 receptor agonist
Stephen Gough

Weekly GLP-1 Receptor Agonist: Emerging Scientific Data
Mathijs Bunck

Panel Discussion
1415 - 1530 Oral Presentations:
Microvascular Complications
Oral Presentations:
Clinical Diabetes
Oral Presentations:
Macrovascular Disease
Oral Presentations:
Metabolic Regulation
1530 - 1615 Coffee Break, Industry Exhibitions and Presidential Posters 1530 - 1630 Presidential Posters
Selected 'presidential' posters will be presented over one hour to a gathered audience
Moderated by an appointed chairman
1615 - 1715 Evening Symposium 5:
Evening Symposium 6:
Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease
Evening Symposium 7:
Health Literacy in Diabetes
Evening Symposium 8:
Incretin Biology
  a. Drivers of hypoglycaemia and education strategies for prevention
Jane Speight
a. DPP 4 inhibitors CV trials
Lawrence Leiter
a. A review of health literacy: problems, tools and interventions
How Choon How
a. Incretin actions beyond the pancreas: lessons from knockout mice
Yutaka Seino
  b. Using technology to reduce hypoglycaemia risk
Pratik Choudhary
b. A reflection on the 2013 ACC/AHA lipid guidelines: helpful or problematic?
Tai E Shyong
b. Health literacy and the managing diabetes in India: paradigms in outcomes
Shaukat Sadikot
b. Incretin-based therapies: Why so effective in Asians?
Daisuke Yabe
0830 - 1030 Clinical Diabetes and Therapeutics 1
Clinical Diabetes and Therapeutics 2
Behavioural Medicine, Clinical Nutrition, Education & Exercise
Basic Science, Aetiology and Mechanism of Disease
Poster Presentations
  Symposium 9:
National Diabetes Care Models: Perspective from ASEAN Countries
Symposium 10:
Management of Obesity
Symposium 11:
Economic Evaluation in Diabetes
Symposium 12:
Islet Cell Biology
Posters will be classified by topic and displayed throughout entire duration of congress
Authors are encouraged to be at their posters at poster breaks and lunch breaks
  a. Philippines
Elizabeth Paz-Pacheco
a. Bariatric surgery: Why, when and which for the Asian phenotype
Lee Wei-Jei
a. Simulation-based cost effectiveness analyses: The updated UPKDS Outcomes Model
Philip Clarke
a. Emerging data in islet biology for autoimmune diabetes
Bernhard Otto Boehm
  b. Singapore
Lee Chung Horn
b. Cost-effectiveness of bariatric surgery for diabetes management
Eric Andrew Finkelstein
b. Economic modelling from the decision maker’s perspective
Kelvin Bryan Tan
b. Update on islet Imaging
Per-Olof Berggren
  c. Malaysia
Chan Siew Pheng
c. Innovative strategies: lessons from bariatric surgery
John Dixon
c. Cost-effectiveness of pen versus vial/syringe administration of premixed insulin
Wee Hwee-Lin
c. Glucolipotoxicity in the Beta Cell
Trevor Biden
  d. Vietnam
Nguyen Thy Khue
d. Clinical trials in metabolic surgery: lessons learnt and what needs to be done
David Cummings
d. Current status of care and costs of type 1 diabetes in China–report form 3C study
Ji Linong
d. Insulin granule trafficking
Han Wei Ping
  e. Thailand
Pongamorn Bunnag
  f. Indonesia
Achmad Rudijanto Cholil
1030 - 1045 Coffee Break and Industry Exhibition
1045 - 1200 Oral Presentations:
Therapeutics – Oral Agents
Oral Presentations:
Cost-Effective Health Care and Outcomes
Oral Presentations:
Oral Presentations:
Nephropathy – Clinical & Translational Research
1200 - 1400 Lunch
1415 - 1530 Oral Presentations:
Obesity and Metabolic Syndrome
Oral Presentations:
Nutrition & Diabetes
Oral Presentations:
Insulin Treatment and Islet Cell Signalling
Oral Presentations:
Insulin Resistance
1530 - 1615 Coffee Break, Industry Exhibitions and Presidential Posters 1530 - 1630 Presidential Posters
Selected 'presidential' posters will be presented over one hour to a gathered audience
Moderated by an appointed chairman
1615 - 1715 Evening Symposium 9:
Diabetic Foot Management
Evening Symposium 10:
Technology and Diabetes
Evening Symposium 11:
Self-Management and Patient Empowerment in Diabetes Care
Evening Symposium 12:
Maternal Environment in Diabetes and Metabolic Disease
  a. Inpatient management of patients with diabetic foot infections
Shigeo Kono
a. Self blood glucose monitoring: new vistas, new paradigms
Wayne Sheu
a. Adaptive cultural change: how China educates her billion about diabetes
Ji Linong
a. Emerging data about ARNT and other transcription factors in gene expression and islet dysfunction in Type 2 diabetes and gestational diabetes
Jenny Gunton
  b. Management of the diabetic foot in Thailand
Thep Himathongkam
b. "Actionable" SMBG for patients using insulin
David Kerr
b. Education as prescription in type 2 diabetes subjects: complince with efficacy in clinical practice
Lee Moon-Kyu
b. Epigenetic programming in metabolic disease
Walter Stunkel
1800 - 1830 Closing Ceremony

The programme may be subject to some modification and is accurate as of 20 November 2014.

*IDF-WPR Council Meeting is by invite only.
**Please be advised that this pre-congress symposium requires separate registration and fee. Those interested to attend can email us at .

All stated dates and timings for this conference are in accordance to the Singapore time, GMT +8.
Copyright © IDF-WPR & AASD 2014

  Hosted by
Held in
Supported by
Chapter of Endocrinologists
College of Physicians, Singapore